Public consultation on proposals for modernising the recycling facility at 122-124 Beddington Lane
Powerday is proposing to replace the existing outdated buildings on the site with a new purpose-built facility. Unlike the current facilities, this new building would be fully enclosed, providing greater protection from noise and dust.

The site was originally built as a warehouse, but has operated as a recycling facility since 2007. The site is currently occupied by Powerday, King Concrete and Martsons Recycling Group, a scrap metal dealer
The land surrounding the site to the north, east, and south is occupied by industrial and commercial businesses, while to the west, on the opposite side of Beddington Lane, is the Beddington Sewage Works.
The site is designated in the Sutton Local Plan as part of a wider area as a ‘Strategic Industrial Location’.
The building will be used for the processing and recycling of 100,000 tonnes per annum of construction and commercial waste.
Our proposals
Modernising the facilities at 122-124 Beddington Lane would allow Powerday to use modern technology to recycle 100% of the material that arrives at the site, saving thousands of tonnes of waste from going to landfill every year.
By making the building fully enclosed and screened we would also be able to provide an improved level of environmental protection.
The proposals would:
Demolish the existing outdated buildings on the site.
Replace the current buildings with a single fully enclosed building no higher than 17.4m.
Provide planting and landscaping to further screen the building and improve biodiversity.
Keep the existing vehicle access from Beddington Lane, with parking provided on-site.
Being a good neighbour
Our proposed modernisation will be designed to minimise any impact on our neighbours. By fully enclosing the recycling facilities we would provide significantly improved protection from noise, dust and odour compared to the current operations.
To ensure that emissions are minimal from the site, the new facilities would include:
Fast-acting, roller shutter doors so that deliveries do not expose the processing facilities to the air and lessen the noise that might escape the site.
Keeping all vehicles covered unless they are securely within the building.
Strict speed restrictions within the site.
Cleaning facilities to make sure all vehicles leaving the site have clean wheels.
About Powerday
Powerday is an independent family business founded in London in 1977. We are one of London’s leading waste management and recycling services, with a commitment to sustainability, reaching Net Zero carbon emissions by 2040, and managing our waste operations cleanly and responsibly. We are therefore currently upgrading our London operations into modern, enclosed facilities that use solar energy, and changing our equipment and vehicle fleet to be cleaner and more efficient.
To find out more about us please visit: www.powerday.co.uk
Giving back to local communities
The Powerday Foundation has invested over £14.5 million into sports clubs in London, helping over 80 estate-based boxing venues and 20,000 young people from the most marginalised and socio-economically challenged areas of London.
Have your say
We want to hear your views. You can do this by:
Filling out the feedback form
Emailing us at consultation@realestatecomms.com
Calling the consultation telephone line: 07523 696293
We are committed to protecting personal information. Any information provided will be used in line with applicable laws concerning the protection of personal data, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Under the terms of the GDPR you have certain rights over how your personal data is retained and used by us. Your comments will be analysed by Real Estate Communications on behalf of Powerday. Copies may be made available to the relevant planning authority so it can note your comments. We will, however, request that your personal details are not placed on the public record. Your personal details will be held securely by Real Estate Communications in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018, will be used solely in connection with this consultation and any subsequent planning applications and, except as noted above, will not be passed to any third parties. Real Estate Communications will only keep your personal details until the implementation of this planning permission unless you have requested to receive updates.
Accessing the site
The access to the site will remain unchanged, with a simple priority junction off Beddington Lane.
Car and cycle parking will be provided on-site for staff.
A full Transport Statement will accompany the planning application. The site is already in active use and these proposals will not cause a significant increase in traffic.